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Retired Happy Couple

Ease into Retirement 

It's important to start thinking about how you are going to spend your time in retirement. 

You'll generally spend about a third of your life in retirement and it's important to acknowledge that there will be some significant psychological challenges that you'll go through as a result of changes to your routine, social network and identity (for example).

You've probably been planning your financial retirement for a few years (such as superannuation contributions), but have you thought about what you're going to do with your time to keep fit and healthy, and ensure those neurons in your brain keep firing. You may want to travel, or contribute some of your time to consulting or volunteering, or revisit a hobby you loved as a kid.

The 3-hour workshop focuses on brainstorming and prioritising your goals (such as travelling around Australia) and/or habits that you'd like to develop/fine tune (such as spending quality time with your grand-kids), as well as understanding and potentially changing your current mindset, learning techniques to tap into your subconscious, and knowing how to be more mindful and relaxed.

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